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Estate Agents are the Walking Dead

All solicitors appear to be the same.
All accountants appear to be the same
All travel agents appear to be the same

… well that what it appears like from the outside

…and I hate to break it to you .. so do Estate and Letting Agents from the outside view

We are robot like, we look the same, we all sound the same and we all act the same.

Now you know you don’t, but you are looking at from inside .. I am talking about the outside view .. the view  from people out of the industry looking in

Too many estate agents look the same. For example, “we are professional agents” is not a distinctive identity, Melissa says. Every estate agency company should be professional.  

Each estate agency must have a distinguishing and unique identity (and that doesn’t mean you have a particular pantone colour in your logo) that make its agency services, and employees unquestionably its own.

Every estate and letting agent service’s are similar to its competitors’, so you must determine, find and celebrate what makes you and your agency so unique.