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Are you a remarkable letting agent?

You want landlords to recommend you dont you Mr (Mrs) Letting agent? You want them to talk about you to other landlords. Another way of saying that, instead of talking about you, would be (stay with me on this one) you want them to remark about you to others ...and whilst this isn't a GCSE (O Levels in my day) English lesson, the word remarkable, is an adjective of the verb to remark.

 If landlords aren't discussing ( aka remarking) your services to other landlords; what you do, how you do it, and why you do it ...there's a reason... your Mr (or Mrs) Letting agent aren’t remarkable .. let’s be honest, being a letting agent .. there is nothing to remark about... its a boring job (collect the rent, sort problems out, find new tenants etc etc)

You're probably boring on purpose. You have boring pricing because that's safer. You have a boring office on agency row because to do otherwise would be crazy. You have boring services because that's what the market wants. ... and what about your colleagues.. are they the ‘B’ word?

If you want people (landlords) to talk about you, remark about you, so you become remarkable (not boring), then my blog reading friends, you need to do something different .. not crazy, just different ... so people talk about you .. talk about you in a  positive way to others.  

If I may, just before the wife gets back from her walk with Joey (our dog - rescued from the Dog Trust a few months ago (half Corgi/half jack Russell)), let me tell you a story of the advertorials that got people talking in out town, in fact even better... please read on..

It wasn’t until 4 months into the one our plots of the advertorials (the ones that tripled rental market appraisals link here .. ) when someone walked up to the boss, as he stood on the train platform waiting for a train to London. Someone took the time and effort to walk up to him to tell him he really enjoyed the weekly piece about the local housing market. I am in the Round Table in Grantham so regularly meet up with the sister organisation, the Rotary Club, and many Rotarians (members aged between 50 to 70,  big money locals in the town – most of whom are landlords) have come up to me (they didn’t know I wrote them – just that I worked for the firm) that they really looked forward to the articles each week, but the best story has to be a landlord of over 200 properties in the town approach me in the pub and say, ‘Chris, really liked your article last week about the Earlesfield’ ... how many agents would sell their granny to make big landlords approach them... 

Remarkable costs time and money and effort, but most of all, remarkable costs a willingness to be different

Remarkable is a choice.

If you want a chat about how these advertorials tripled rental appraisals in under a year, feel free to pick up the phone have a chat - 07950 147572. PS If you aren't the boss, and a person who does the real work, say a lettings neg, lister, property manager (that's one tough job I couldn't do!) or lettings manager, why not forward this blog to the boss - it will make you look good as it will show you are being proactive in getting new business in and it might help him/her hit your lettings targets.

Well the wife and dog have arrived back now, so coffee and Classic FM and I will get some real work done! Shalom.